WHO Regional Director’s address to the Policy Dialogue to Scale Up the Implementation of the …

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

28 February 2025

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Partners, and colleagues,

As this policy dialogue on strengthening the public health response to substance use draws to a close, I am heartened by the dedication and commitment you have shown over the past three days, as articulated in the consensus statement agreed today.

I want to personally thank you for the lively debate on this very difficult issue. Tackling addiction requires commitment, both at the individual and societal levels.

It is high time that the issue of substance use is recognised and addressed as the major public health challenge that it is, rather than being treated as a matter for law enforcement.

Stigma, discrimination against individuals with substance use disorder, and the criminalisation of drug use contribute to a substantial treatment gap―currently over 92%―in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

We need strong leadership at the levels of government, public health, and drug control authorities to address this critical issue with robust, coordinated and evidence-based interventions.

First, we must strengthen policy and regulatory frameworks addressing substance use.

Second, we must strengthen health systems to improve access to services and the availability of care for people with substance use disorders.

Third, we must improve health literacy and set up national prevention systems with coordination and collaboration across sectors to maximise impact.

Fourth, we must strengthen monitoring, surveillance and evidence generation.

For example, integrating interventions into national universal health coverage benefit packages will ensure sustainable resource availability and expand access to services such as prevention, harm reduction, treatment, recovery, and rehabilitation.

We will need to

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