UN partners unite for a healthier Eastern Mediterranean

UN partners unite for a healthier Eastern Mediterranean

15 January 2025, Cairo, Egypt – The Regional Health Alliance (RHA) Strategic Dialogue, Towards One Regional WHO-UN Health Agenda in 2025, convened 86 in-person and 11 virtual attendees, including the technical focal points and regional directors of the 18 participating UN agencies.

Attendees from the 3 levels of WHO included assistant directors general from WHO headquarters, senior management, including directors of departments, and regional advisors and technical officers from the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, and representatives from WHO country offices providing critical field insights. Outcomes included the endorsement of a new RHA structure and Joint Action Plan (JAP) 2025 and the introduction of the 3 regional flagship initiatives.

Director of Programme Management at the Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Dr Adham Ismail. Photo credit: WHODirector of Programme Management at the Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Dr Adham Ismail. Photo credit: WHOReshaping RHA for greater impact

The new RHA structure aims to sharpen the focus on primary health care for universal health coverage; health determinants, risk factors and community engagement; health emergency preparedness and response, and research, innovation and evidence-informed policy.

Director of Programme Management at the Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Dr Adham Ismail underlined

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