Be ONE VOICE against tobacco: call for video messages

Join our ONE VOICE campaign in the runup to World No Tobacco Day on 31 May 2024. To take part, record a short video message that speaks to your peers about the sneaky ways that tobacco companies try to get young people hooked on nicotine.

You can submit a video if you’re a young person aged 13–35 years and live in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. The deadline to share your video with us is [10 May 2024].

We’ll select 100 videos to use in our World No Tobacco Day 2024 campaign. This year, our focus is all about protecting young people from tobacco industry tactics to promote their products.

All young people can speak in ONE VOICE against tobacco. Together, we can create a healthier, tobacco-free future. Join our campaign and let your voice be heard.

What to put in your video

We want you to share your knowledge of the harms of tobacco and your views and experiences of how the tobacco industry tries to reach young people.

Your video should cover one or more of the following:

why it’s important to keep young people safe from tobacco and nicotine products

how the tobacco industry tries to get young people like you to use these products

whether you ever feel pressured by the tobacco industry to start using these products

the best way to protect young people from being tempted to use these products.

Submission guidelines

Keep your message short: no more than 2 minutes.

Speak from the heart and share your genuine point of

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